Insects at the ‘Patch’

Australian Cockroach/ unknown stinkbug

The jury is out on the bug’s ID. Just found a similar looking one in the Wildlife of Tropical North Queensland, a cockroach probably immigrating from Asia.

Or it could be a sap sucker related to the bronze stink bug. There is a sap sucking bug species, like this one on the Angophra sp, for all major tree species in Australia.

European honey bees very busy among the Tuckaroo flowers …

I had a little video clip here, but guess I need to negotiate with WP on that, and am on my mobile just now. Think of the above as a place holder.

A bunch of tiny blue butterflies skipped in amongst the grasses

Fast fliers that never sit still they are one of approx 63 similar little blue butterfly species in the region, according to Helen Schwenke in her Create More Butterflies. I saw them among the above grasses.

If they were the Common Pencilled-Blue variety, they would’ve had plenty of food for their caterpillars for the Tuckaroo is a common host plant.

Image nearly twice the size!

An Early Spring?

Saw a few small trees flowering … A little surprising since we haven’t even had the shortest day of the year.

Cupaniopsis sp aka Tuckeroo Tree

The flowers above have already been fertilized, seeds are starting to develop.

Acacia sp

I don’t know if it’s the same species as the one following, foliage on second one seemed greener.

Acacia sp

This vine too is flowering. The tree it’s growing up is pretty well dead, just being held up be the vine, I think.

Smilax sp

All these trees within a five hundred meters circle (1km diameter) surrounding the place where I live.