Gone to Feed the Fish

The unfortunate vertical ripples, which barely show when I’m looking at it with only my specs between my eyes and the painting, are due to a paper working well above its pay-grade.

I’m trying to finish my stock of less than ideal ‘parchments’ before I acquire more.

You’re right if you think that this painting seems pretty well unintelligible seen from a distance. Zooming-in helps. It’s always surprising when and what meanings can be wrung from a few splotches, and unplanned application of color, and a few well-chosen words.

‘I don’t speak binary…’

One of my favorite lines in The Mandalorian, which I’ve been watching one last time before I cancel my subscrition with Disney+. Cross my fingers that I can achieve that this time.

That punch line only seems paradoxical. In a scene with the maximum amount of technology being used, Din Djindarin tells his droid don’t complain to me I don’t speak binary.

Binary? A language made up of noughts and ones? On and off? Speaking it would be quite a feat. I think it’s hilarious, that idea. Always laugh when I hear it.

Originally, I signed up to rewatch the Star Wars timeline right through. That was last year sometime. Tried to cancel my subscription then, but Disney is one of those ‘sticky’ businesses. It’s hard to get loose once you signed up.

So, OK, I’ve gotten involved in a few other shows. The Bear was good. I rewatched Avatar, then tried to get into part two.

The minute one of the baddies said that they had to leave Earth because it had died, I was over it. I switched it off.

Turns out I can watch any amount of pretend fisticuffs and sword play but keep your so-called fictional future-telling off my Earth. The present day real life predatorial delays are bad enough.

A vague shot of the mythosaur .. he’s an archetype of course. I’d love to see a bit more of him if Disney+ ever does a third series.

At the weekender

Screen Saver

Today I learned how to ‘play’ my screen saver. It’s the kelp forest and the diver, drone, or camera moves slowly through it. This is the few seconds before I start the day.

Then I hit ENTER on my password and I have to live with whatever area it stops at. For a while all I could see all day was huge swags of kelp behind all my directories.

Got sick of the boring view. Went through all the other available screen savers, didn’t like any of them. Re installed the kelp forest.

This morning I thought to view the whole loop. Duh, people will be saying. I hit ENTER at a place I liked and hey presto … a whole new and different wallpaper. I’ve got fish now, swimming between the folders.

Art: Evercool by GC Myers

One of the many suppressed longings of creation which cry after fulfilment is for neglected joys within reach; while we are busy pursuing chimerical …


This morning found another artist whose paintings ‘speak’ to me. Simple at first glance with well defined shapes. The colours, how I also like to outline them.

But complex, too. Layers signified by tree branches in front and behind. The road topping hills and going out of sight in the dales. Thetr is distance and perspective.

And there’s luscious substance, not to forget. Shapes shadowed as they curve inward to meet the bedrock of the canvas.

I like it a lot.

One thing about this weather report app that irritates me every day that I take notice is Visibility.

So we can see 24 kilometres, but only if we’re looking into the sky, at clouds. Or if you yourself are in space.

If you stand at sealevel, looking out over the sea, the horizon is about 4.8 kilometres away, and this is for a man of average height which is 5’ 10” or 1.75 metres.

If you look inland and you’re not standing on a mountain, it’d be a lot less, what with the lumps and bumps of most of the Earth.


I’ve been waiting all day for this cloud to produce the rain that is its primary feature. Rain, that is, that falls as far as the ground.


All cloud names are derived from Latin. ‘Nimbus’ means rain cloud. ‘Stratus’ I think means spread out. This one blankets the southern sky and hangs out in the middle cloud levels, between five and ten kilometres above sealevel.

Nimbostratus rains and rains and rains, so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. Unlike cumulonimbus, the anvil in the sky thunderclouds, nimbostratus begins its weeping without fanfare. It just starts to rain.

Which has always felt wrong to me, since most of my life I’ve lived in places that attracted thunder and lightning, hail and rain bucketing down. Storms, you know? It’s only since I’ve lived in Brisbane that I’ve experienced nimbostratus rain events.


I’m pretty sure I have the name right this time. This cheery overgrowth of wild colour would’ve been a weed in most other places, but here and now in the wilderness of abandoned gardens, it’s a joy to see.

Interestingly, its seeding habit reminds me of the seed habit of the plant all bush-walkers and probably most farmers love to hate. I’m talking of the Australian weed, Farmers’ Friends.

It only needs one knee high plant to catch on your clothes, and you’re picking clingy seeds off for the next three weeks.

One old farmer I once knew, used to have to spend quite a bit of time picking seeds off his socks, since he nearly always forgot to wear his ‘shock absorbers’.

I’ve forgotten the punchline of the joke or pun this name referred to, but they are the little elasticized “skirts” people wear around their ankles, over their socks and tops of their boots. Let me know why they are called shock absorbers?

The old man, when he’d collected a 1 litre yoghurt container full of Farmers’ Friends seeds would throw them in the stove fire. The seeds hang together like velcro, so its easy to pick them up in one bunch.

However, these are Cosmos seeds heads. But if you know what Farmers Friends look like, you’ll see the likeness.

PS, that’s a shockingly bad photo, so out of focus it’s not funny. That’s one problem with composing a post on the mobile, with the photo merely being edited with the Apple editing software. I don’t like it. Probably I’ll go through the whole rigmarole of emailing the photo to myself, editing it using decent software and re-posting it.