Overdoing it led …

To catching a bug

Which led to a respiratory inflammation

Which led to a fatigue, coughing, and everything else that goes with it event

Which led to a three week furlough

Today I thought I had recovered. Wishful thinking, obviously. Went to a meeting with about a hundred attendees. I was OK sitting down.

Then got a call. I’d forgotten to silence the little mobile beggar. Ran out to wring its neck, but ended up sitting outside in the solitary quiet taking the call.

And afterwards thought I should have a go at the greet and meet after the meeting. Found a chair, unfortunately just got in at the tail end of the last question about gardening.

Still, the development map on the drop-down screen showed a wide yellow road covering the place where I though to plant some veges. Guess I’ll rethink that one.

Suddenly everyone was up, either pushing to the front for the afternoon snacks and apparatif or toward the back to make their getaway. I drifted to the puzzles table and completed the roof of a shed in the time that it took for the scrum to subside.

When I looked up there were only people with a glass in one hand and juggling a plate piled with scones cake and cream puffs. But lots of them. I saw two people I’ve met but didn’t get to talk with them.

I found a the gluten free dairy free section and had a couple of meat balls and six grapes. The place to get a hotwater drink was inaccessible and anyway I had the weirdest feeling.

Like I was a square ball bearing, had a lot of people coasting wordlessly by me, my hearing aids did not cope either. You start questioning your sanity for even being there.

Found out a few facts. I am one of 133 new people these last 6 months. There are now 241 residents. I can totally understand that the people who were here last year are feeling swamped. I feel swamped with them.

But, not to forget, I’ve never been one for crowds. I’ve always run in the outer edges of the herd, where you can easily take time out.

On my way home met a couple walking their dog, which was a relief, and picked up my mail. Finally, A Little Course in Dreams by Robert Bosnak. Started reading it right away.

One of eight books with bookmarks in them. Plenty to write about. Though not today. Just finding a pic now to accompany this mournful screed.

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